Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Prompt #3

What if your shadow didn't look like you?
Describe the shape your shadow would take and incorporate it in a story.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


---by Vin

I was driving to Seattle in my car. It was very silent, until I heard a noise. At first, I thought it was from a flat tire but, then I realized it was from the trunk. I looked inside and much to my surprize, it was Frankenstein! He was trying to break down the car engine but, when I showed my little dog spotty to him, he ran off somehow. I went back in the car and continued my journey. One hour later I heard the same sound and I looked in the trunk again, FRANKENSTEIN "I...I thought that you were somewhere else. OK. Why are you here?"

I am here because, no where else to live he moaned. So, that day on he lived with me. OK so we went to Seattle, Why? because I have to go to school. We went to Seattle and slept because it was midnight. Next morning, I went to school and guess what? when I came back from school I found my dinner right next to me! Oh! I forgot that he had no where else to live. Years went by and by until I was 17. I heard a noise it was the noise of a lawnmower, nobody heard it except me and my dog. It was was a lawnmower. I went outside and I found a bottle, inside was a note saying-

Dear Louisa:

I found a new place called Monster Island.


I said "Ya! baby!"

Monday, May 08, 2006

A prompt-story

Upset, I picked up my car keys, that I had only moments earlier flung onto the coffee table, and stormed out of the house. I needed to go for a long drive to cool off. It's one of the things I do. Drive, endlessly drive - windows open, songs (appropriate to the mood) blaring and having a cathartic reaction to whatever needs to be felt. One of my favourite stretches is not far from where I live and I couldn't wait to get on to that peaceful street, get engulfed by the darkness and simply let my thoughts filter out. That's when I heard it - a noise from the car. I couldn't help thinking "great, perfect timing".

Not thinking twice about it, I pulled to the side of the road, left the lights running and got out to check and see if it was a flat tyre. Everything seemed fine, but then I heard the thumping noise again. It seemed to be coming from the trunk and immediately urban legends flashed into my head. I told myself to stop being silly and gingerly opened the trunk of the car. In the darkness, all I could make out was a figure making panting noises. And then the figure lurched out of the trunk and I screamed.

"Get off me Jackie. Off!" My 55 lb German Shepherd almost knocked me over when she jumped out of the trunk. "How in the world did you get in there, Jackie?," I wondered. And then I had a flashback moment where I remember storming out of the house and shutting my car trunk which had been slightly open. My poor baby was in the trunk all this while. I berated myself and then got into the car, with Jackie in the passenger seat. I continued on my drive and Jackie gave me wonderful company by sticking her head out the window and enjoying the cool evening breeze.

What had upset me earlier was forgotten. It seemed silly and trite in that moment. Jackie, the healer, had done her trick again just by turning up. She was showing me what life's simple pleasures were all about. Yes, fighting is not good. Carrying it inside you is worse still. Live in the moment is what Jackie was teaching me. And for the first time in my life, I did just that.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This Week's prompt

I am changing the prompt, considering one of the contributors is still a kid :)
The new prompt:

You're travelling in a car, down a silent road when you hear a noise. You get down thinking it's a flat tyre and that's when you realise it's coming from the trunk of your car.

Use the above situation and you can take the story anywhere and in any manner you like. No rules. Let your imagination soar!
Have fun!

More Songs

Here are two more takes on the prompt.

From Humsika



Monday, May 01, 2006

Li'l Guest Writer

A rousing welcome to guest blogger Vin, who will add more treasures to this site with his wonderful stories, as often as his hectic schedule permits :)

We are crackers

Thank you, Vin!